Virtual Tanager Place resiliency pre-symposium planned May 22 - MedQ

Virtual Tanager Place resiliency pre-symposium planned May 22

MedQuarter (MedQ) Regional Medical District | May 18th, 2020

Tanager Place will continue to hold its Resiliency & Trauma-Informed Care Symposium in 2020, although the training and education opportunity has been moved to two sessions to better meet community needs during the ongoing pandemic. Both sessions will feature two internationally-known keynote speakers, as well as presentations by Tanager Place staff members on resiliency.

The virtual pre-symposium will kick off at 10:30 a.m. May 22 with messages from Tina Payne Bryson and Jaiya John and follow with training sessions key to the current public health circumstance. Dr. Payne Bryson is the founder and executive director of The Center for Connection, a multidisciplinary clinical practice, and of The Play Strong Institute in Pasadena, California. Dr. John is a freedom worker, author, speaker, poet and youth mentor.

While the pre-symposium is free and open to the public, registration is required via the Tanager website.

The full symposium has been moved to Oct. 15, and will be an all-day, in-person event at The Hotel at Kirkwood Center. Drs. Bryson and John will be present at the symposium, which also will offer a full helping of carefully crafted and curated training sessions for professionals, parents and more. Registration for this event is $25, which can be completed on the website.

The MedQuarter is keeping up-to-date on information and resources regarding the pandemic.
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