Food is one of the focuses during get-togethers, but you can make your holiday meal just as delicious without the unhealthy ingredients. Below are a few healthy options to keep in mind as you make your families meal and eat together.
Include All Food Groups
In addition to lean meat, include wheat bread, fresh fruits and vegetables to the menu. Eating from all the food groups is beneficial for your body because you ingest a variety of nutrients that help your body grow and maintain good health.
Small Portion Sizes
Instead of taking too much food and later having a stomach ache for it, remember to take small portions of food. Also, when putting toppings on your food, remember to use less, such as less gravy and butter.
Drink Responsibly
While the holidays may encourage drinking an alcoholic beverage, try to limit your alcoholic consumption. In addition to your coordination, alcohol can cause digestive, liver and brain issues. Instead, drink water or 100% fruit juice to stay hydrated; your body will feel refreshed and not tired.
Modify Dessert
Normally, desserts are high in sugar, but if you choose to make a homemade dessert, use less amount of sugar, have low-fat ingredients and include fruit, it can turn into a healthier option but taste just as good.
The holidays can be a stressful time, if you are struggling call Mercy EAP to schedule an appointment via video, phone or in person.
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