Gems of Hope is most known for the “gifts of hope” program. Volunteers handcraft cards and gifts of beaded earrings and bookmarks. The cards, which can also include serenity circles and stones, are given to cancer patients as they receive chemo. Over 750 gifts are given out in the Corridor each month. Gems of Hope provides unique opportunities for cancer patients to connect with others by participating in the gift making experience, although the workshops, offered several times each month, are open to all who want to help inspire cancer patients. Gems also reaches the youth through it’s What About Us? kids camp for kids learning to deal with a cancer diagnosis in their family. Gems supports continuing education for high school seniors through the “Gifts of Education” scholarship opportunity with up to eight $750.00 scholarship awarded annually. The Pages for Hope Library program supports local schools by supplying cancer related resources for a districts various libraries. Additionally, a web portal for teens called cancerreallysucks.org is a forum to find ways to share feelings and to find ways to related and share in the feelings that cancer patients and families go through. Gems is supported by sponsorships, grants, private donations, and two major fund-raisers Hope Blooms, and the Gems of Hope Golf Classic. To learn more visit www.gemsofhope.com.
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